- August 12, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Event, Webinar

Webinar: Demonstration Voucher. Ways towards efficient milk production | SEP 25 | 10.00 – 11.00 (CET)
Co-facilitated by partners: Water Alliance and ZINNAE.
Speakers: Peter de Jong
VIDA – Value added Innovation in fooD chAins aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different funding schemes to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking new resource efficient solutions. VIDA has already awarded 1.5 million Euro in innovation projects by SMEs.
To enhance matchmaking between SMEs from different sectors and territories, ten networking and business brokerage virtual events will be organized by VIDA. The objective of these events is to present VIDA Demonstration Voucher Scheme and to showcase SMEs solutions in a pitch-style; to present their approach in how to tackle VIDA challenges and to support the creation of consortia for Demonstration Vouchers (that requires the collaboration of +2 SMEs).
One of the VIDA priority sectors within the agro-food value chain is the Milk production value chain, as water use and energy efficiency in dairy production is a matter of discussion all over the world.
VIDA 9th webinar will take place on September 25th 2019 10.00 – 11.00 CET with the objective of presenting the VIDA Demonstration Voucher Second Call and facilitate matchmaking between SME from different sectors and territories. The Webinar will introduce the VIDA challenges related to the Milk Value chain, with a key note presentation (TBC). After this presentation, a pitch-style session from up to 5 SME will follow:
- ENERSEM srl, Matteo Zanchi: “ENERSEM PITCH – VIDA Demonstration Vouchers: Energy efficiency challenges in milk and dairy”;
- ECO Grondstoffen, Elma Schoenmaker: Rhinetech Refinery helps dairy production diminishing 25 % of Nitrogen losses. An important issue in the Netherlands now. Working with Dairy research station the Marke;
- VDH Watertechnology, Joost Edens: improving the product value of whey by decreasing Chlorate levels.
The webinar engine will be Adobe connect.
Registration is free and required to attend VIDA Webinars. You will receive your invitation to the webinar upon registration.
Register here.
VIDA Webinar presentation: here
Van Hall Larenstein presentation: here
NERSEM presentation: here
ECO Grond stoffen BV presentation: here
VDH water technology presentation: here