Sustainable Aquaculture

VIDA challenge case description

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms in both coastal and inland areas involving interventions in the rearing process to enhance production.

It is probably the fastest growing food-producing sector and now accounts for 50 per cent of the world’s fish that is used for food.


European fish farming has increased in the last 20 years. The increase in production leads to several resource efficiency challenges such as the use of chemicals and energy for water treatment and water conditioning to reach optimal and stable fish production. Thus, efficient water decontamination and closing the nutrient loops are two potential challenges that might be tackled through new technologies and sustainable fish farming practices.

Innovation areas to address resource efficiency challenges

Decontamination; closing loops; I4.0 solutions optimizing the overall process including dosing, artificial intelligence, optimized monitoring and control of the process parameters and material flow and quality control.

Existing innovative solutions

Some of the identified existing solutions to approach this challenge were presented via VIDA Webinars. See all the presentations here:

Aquaculture feeding models (Denmark)

Landing Aquaculture (The Netherlands)

AI fish feeding (The Netherlands)

Water treatment for aquaculture (Germany)

Creating value from residual effluents (Italy)

Demonstration Vouchers funded by VIDA

DV006 – Saving water by removal of off-flavor in farmed fish H2O3


Enlisted VIDA Challenges and cases present the examples and not an exhaustive list. Some additional resource efficiency challenges in the agri-food sector may be also considered eligible.

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