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VIDA Consortium Meeting (online) – November 2020


VIDA is a 36-months European project (2018-2021) funded by the INNOSUP Call of HORIZON 2020 led by the Stichting Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW) in partnership with nine partners from 7 different European countries, supporting the innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working across food value chains interested in improving the use and efficiency of water, food, energy and key enabling technologies (KET).

The VIDA project aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions (preferably key enabling technologies – KET) in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different types of funding vouchers to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking new resource-efficient solutions.


VIDA Extraordinary Call Innovation Support Voucher Booster that took place between June and August 2020

The project announced the results of the Open Call applications - 9 projects will be funded.

The VIDA consortium is pleased to announce that the VIDA Extraordinary Call for Innovation Support Booster applications has been a huge success. In total, 47 applications were received up to the cut-off date - 10th August 2020. Applications were received from SMEs based in 6 countries: The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania.

The high level of excellence of the proposals submitted meant selection based on the evaluation criteria was not an easy task. In the next few months, the nine winner SMEs will implement their innovative projects, including topics such as water management systems, re-use of polluted water in agriculture, waste water treatment plant, plasma activated water for food agriculture, and intelligent flow water for efficiency control in thermal installations.

More information about the full list of projects approved, including the companies and countries involved can be found on VIDA’s website.


VIDA Beneficiaries interviews

VIDA has been supporting the innovation potential of 108 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working across the European food value chains interested in improving the use and efficiency of water, food, energy and key enabling technologies (KET). In this edition of the newsletter, VIDA presents some of the beneficiaries interviews which may be found below.

DV007 - e-Newtrients: recycling nutrients for future food
Antonio Idà from Algaria

This project proposes an innovative concept of artificial soil, based on stimulating microbial oxidation towards the mineralization of organic compounds, using bio-electrochemically active materials.

Read more about the project here: https://bit.ly/31KzktR

Watch the interview here: https://bit.ly/37Fg4BT

DV014 - Pulsed electric field: an innovative solution for sustainable red winemaking
Oleksii Parniakov from ELEA

The objective of this project is to demonstrate the benefits of the pulsed electric field (PEF) processing in a winery at the industrial scale. This technology can improve the production capacity of the winery by reducing energy and water consumption, maceration time and the control of the fermentation temperature and reduce the periodic pumping of the wine over the grape skins.

Read more about the project here: https://bit.ly/3hJ9HPw

Watch the interview here: https://bit.ly/31LSGyR

VV105 - DeSludge – Microbiological treatment for fish farming effluents and hydroponic horticulture
Carlos Espinal from Landing Aquaculture

The DeSludge project aims to validate a new bioreactor design which uses aquaculture sludges to reduce nitrogen loads in the fish farming waters, thus, it can produce a water effluent rich in nutrients that has an application in the hydroponic fertigation.

Read more about the project here: https://bit.ly/3jwLr3y

Watch the interview here: https://bit.ly/35yTY1b

VV104 - Optimisation of water treatment using IoT
Marcus Sørensen from Flowplan

Nearly all industrial coffee machines, dishwashers, washing machines and ice machines have water filters installed to soften water and avoid scale build-up in the equipment. These filters need to be changed after a certain amount of water has been processed. Service providers today often change them far too early, since no system exists for a remote monitoring of the filters’ status. To solve this problem, the Flowplan Solution is making remote real-time water monitoring possible. This is done by utilizing the flowmeters and a beam electronics box with the integrated microprocessor and IoT radio transmission system.

Read more about the project here: https://bit.ly/3mSGows

Watch the interview here: https://bit.ly/36cWjyW


VIDA Business Model Canvas
Encourage successful post-VIDA business development

VIDA has been developing coaching, mentoring and capacity-building services in order to support SMEs to better communicate, disseminate and stand-out with their marketing approaches, and to acquire and improve competencies in cross-sectoral and transnational collaboration and enter to the new markets.

The VIDA Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a support tool applied to all VIDA innovation awarded projects in the last stages of their implementation and/or after their finalisation. The BMC was developed to support SMEs to assess their project’s key results, values and impact, and to formulate opportunities for sustaining and scaling up their innovative businesses (i.e. innovation solutions) after VIDA funding.

The VIDA team is already supporting SMEs from two completed Demonstration Voucher (DV) projects. Through monthly on-line meetings with the project’s leaders, we have been discussing critical points and assessing the options and opportunities for the SMEs to exploit, expand and market the innovations of their projects, such as solution ownership, new funding opportunities and access to new markets, as well as identification of relevant stakeholders and partnerships.

For more details about the aforementioned VIDA news & events please send an email to

Through the VIDA newsletter we take pleasure in sharing ongoing progress and contributions to SMEs developments in the food value chain, so VIDA welcomes anyone interested to


We promise to keep you updated.

In case you missed the previous editions, see VIDA Newsletter #1,#2, #3, #4.

Thank you,
VIDA team

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VIDA newsletter was published and distributed by SPI. VIDA project is coordinated by CEW.

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under grant agreement nº 777795. This document reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Copyright © 2019 VIDA. All rights reserved.

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