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VIDA Consortium Meeting in Prague (February 2020)


VIDA is a 36-month European project (2018-2021) funded by the INNOSUP Call of HORIZON 2020 led by the Stichting Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW) in partnership with nine organisations from 7 different European countries. VIDA supports the innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working across food value chains interested in improving the use and efficiency of water, food, energy and Key Enabling Technologies (KET).


VIDA Beneficiaries of the Second Call for the VIDA Demonstration Vouchers

VIDA awarded to 32 SMEs and their 11 highly innovative demonstration and cross-sectoral projects, submitted in the Second Call for the VIDA Demonstration Vouchers (DV). The projects were officially awarded at the VIDA Awards Ceremony, held in Prague, Czech Republic, on 6 of February.

You can learn more about VIDA Beneficiaries by visiting VIDA website and VIDA Beneficiaries portfolio.


VIDA project and results presented at the Conference Responsible Industry Leads the Sustainable Development – Industry Clusters and Circular Economy

VIDA project and its result have been presenteed by Luca Donelli (LE2C President) at the Responsible Industry Leads the Sustainable Development – Industry Clusters and Circular Economy conference that took place at the Kemi Snowcastle, Finland, on 11-12 February 2020. The event was organised by the Regional Council of Lapland in cooperation with the European Commission, Digipolis and City of Kemi, and was attended by 130 representatives of local, regional, national and European public authorities together with industry and civil society stakeholders. Focusing on trends, interregional and cross-sectoral collaboration and funding opportunities, the conference aimed to display how clusters have already been used to push for the regional ecosystems transition towards the circular economy, and what can be done in the future. More information here.

VIDA Online Training Courses

VIDA online training courses aimed to boost the collaboration of SMEs while implementing their innovation projects, by providing SMEs with the guidance on how to predict and overcome the key development challenges in their project. Therefore, each online course addressed one of the key topics, identified by the SMEs, with an aim of supplying those SMEs with tools, resources and know-how. The recordings of the online training courses are available on the YouTube channel and learning materials are available on the VIDA website.


S3Food support programme has started! Up to EUR 60.000 for the digitalisation of your food production: APPLY NOW!

The European project S3Food promotes digital solutions in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food industry with up  EUR 60,000 to 100%. Different types of vouchers are possible: vouchers for exploration, validation and application of digital solutions, support for travel to S3FOOD events. S3FOOD is a three-year project that supports SMEs in developing effective digital solutions to specific challenges within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. S3Food is organised by 13 partners from 8 different countries and 3 linked third parties. Food-Processing Initiative, member of the VIDA consortium also takes part in the S3Food partnership.

Techbridge - New European Project on Water-Energy

Three of the VIDA partner clusters - LE2C, Water Alliance and CLEAN – took part in a new European project –Techbridge. The project has been recently approved by the European Commission within the COSME Programme and focuses on the creation of new internationalization opportunities for SMEs operating in the value chains at the intersection of water and energy.

For more details about the aforementioned VIDA news & events please send an email to

Through VIDA newsletter we take pleasure in sharing ongoing progress and contributions to SMEs developments in the food value chain, so VIDA welcomes anyone interested to


We promise to keep you updated.

In case you missed the previous editions, see VIDA Newsletter nº 1,nº 2, nº 3.

Thank you,
VIDA team

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VIDA newsletter was published and distributed by SPI. VIDA project is coordinated by CEW.

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under grant agreement nº 777795. This document reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Copyright © 2019 VIDA. All rights reserved.

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