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VIDA Consortium Meeting in Milan (September 2019)


VIDA is a 36-month European project (2018-2021) funded by the INNOSUP Call of HORIZON 2020 led by the Stichting Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW) in partnership with nine organisations from 7 different European countries. VIDA supports the innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working across food value chains interested in improving the use and efficiency of water, food, energy and Key Enabling Technologies (KET).

VIDA Success Story in a Nutshell

VIDA International Brokerage event in Milan (September 2019)

The Value-added Innovation in fooD chain - VIDA project is actively promoting a funding opportunity, running from February 1st 2019 until January 3rd 2020, for the European clusters and SMEs interested in providing innovative technological solutions for the agri-food value chain and resource efficiency uptake, such as water and energy. Funding is provided by a series of three vouchers.

Spendings correspond to the projects granted until 30th of September 2019

During the 8-month development phase of the project, VIDA has granted about €1.4 million of the funds allocated to the Demonstration Voucher (DV) scheme to 33 SMEs involved in 8 DV proposals. For the upcoming period, VIDA plans to grant over €1.6 million to the successful DV proposals that were submitted in the second call which concluded on October 31st 2019.

VIDA has similarly granted around €163,000 from the Validation Voucher (VV) scheme to 7 SMEs for the 7 awarded VV proposals. VIDA plans to allocate more than €87,000 for the upcoming VIDA VV proposals.

For the Innovation Support Voucher (ISV) scheme, VIDA has granted around €72,000 to 16 SMEs for the 16 selected ISV proposals. Over €32,000 is planned to be granted for the forthcoming, selected ISV proposals.

VIDA has received 107 proposals submitted under the open and continuous calls to the VIDA Voucher Scheme. 256 SMEs were involved in the application process. So far, over €1.6 million has been granted to the 31 proposals involving 56 SMEs and 23 innovation actors. The list of awarded projects will be available on the VIDA website.

The comprehensive SME engagement and collaborative innovation process were well highlighted in two successful matchmaking activities at VIDA Brokerage Events in Zaragoza and Milan. Both events successfully disseminated the information on funding opportunities (i.e. VIDA Vouchers Scheme and Horizon Europe), also facilitating SMEs with similar interests to collaborate.

Additionally the VIDA Team has successfully organised 9 webinars, which were formulated to encourage matchmaking and cooperation between the SMEs supporting cross-sectoral and transnational collaboration in innovation projects. Subsequently, VIDA has arranged 42 SME pitches, allowing the SMEs to share their innovation insights and enabling future collaboration. In these virtual and face-to-face matchmaking and networking events, VIDA cluster partners played a key role in facilitating interested SMEs, supporting them in constructing consortia and proposal development as part of the VIDA Voucher Scheme.

The VIDA Team is also very proud of its most recent achievement after the project was aired by a national television channel in the Czech Republic, with a possible audience of more than 250,000 viewers. The VIDA project was specifically mentioned by the VIDA Cluster Partner Nanoprogress as a key tool for supporting the technological and product development of innovative companies within a TV series called `Nano super-power´.

You can learn more about VIDA Voucher Scheme by visiting VIDA website and frequently asked questions (FAQ).


VIDA Awards Ceremony 2020

The VIDA Awards Ceremony Event 2020 will be hosted by the local VIDA partner Nanoprogress. The event will take place in Prague in the beginning of February 2020 (TBC).

The ceremony will be organised in order to present, award and contract the SMEs that have proposed new and highly innovative cross-sectoral projects, and who are now ready to initiate their work. The representatives of the winning proposals will be invited to present their innovative solutions in a pitch style (10 – 15 minutes) to the invited public.

VIDA Online Training Courses

VIDA Online training courses aim to boost the collaboration of SMEs through innovation projects, by providing them with guidance to predict and overcome their main challenges in project development. Therefore, each online course addresses one of the key challenges that were identified by the SMEs with the aim of supplying those SMEs with tools, resources and know-how.

The forthcoming training courses are entitled:

  • Communication skills: oral presentations for innovation project dissemination - JAN 21;
  • Post project: capitalisation, management and future funding channels - FEB 18;
  • Discovering the Programme Horizon Europe and its Third Pillar European Innovative Council (EIC) - MAR.

The videos of online training courses conducted are available on the VIDA website:

For more details about the aforementioned VIDA news & events please send an email to

Through VIDA newsletter we take pleasure in sharing ongoing progress and contributions to SMEs developments in the food value chain, so VIDA welcomes anyone interested to


We promise to keep you updated.

In case you missed the previous editions, see VIDA Newsletter nº 1,nº 2.

Thank you,
VIDA team

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VIDA newsletter was published and distributed by SPI. VIDA project is coordinated by CEW.

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under grant agreement nº 777795. This document reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Copyright © 2019 VIDA. All rights reserved.

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