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Consortium meeting in Zaragoza, Spain (February 6th)

Dear reader, welcome to VIDA Newsletter!

You will have an opportunity to get to know VIDA through following topics:

  • approaches to innovation,
  • VIDA consortium (clusters and regions),
  • VIDA Voucher Scheme, and
  • VIDA events.



Since 2018, and over the following period of three years, VIDA is continuously supporting innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are eager to work across European agrifood value-chains interested in improving the use and efficiency of water, food, energy and key enabling technologies (KETs). Moreover, VIDA is bringing together a food-energy-water nexus so to accelerate innovations in agrifood chains (see Figure 1).

To address current challenges at the intersection of these three sectors, innovation is needed to (1) ensure greater resource efficiency, (2) enhance management and control, (3) improve knowledge and data collection and (4) promote a more collaborative and coordinated approach based on end-user needs to support new value-chain creation.

VIDA’s main target audiences are SMEs, clusters and SMEs support networks, and the European Union (EU) and regional policy makers.



Consortium meeting in Zaragoza, Spain (February 7th)

VIDA’s initiatives are focused on improvement of the innovation and cooperation potential of European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the improvement of use of water and energy with the help of key enabling technologies in the agrifood sector, and support to innovation projects and developing cluster facilitated projects for new cross-sectoral industrial value chains. VIDA emphasises the creation of the sustainable value-chains with a very high degree of technical advancement.

VIDA’s project activities are designed to establish a new collaborative space for open innovation through an online collaboration portal on CLOU5, virtual knowledge sharing and matchmaking events, physical business/investment brokerage events and cross-sectoral and cross-border working groups.

This is to ensure synergies and matchmaking between the SMEs across geographical borders, sectors, among themselves and with end-users, innovation actors and experts of the aforementioned four sectors to address specific problems and challenges in improving resource efficiency in the food production chain.

The main support to SMEs and their clusters and support networks will be given through VIDA Voucher Scheme. The participatory and networking events will be tailored to the needs of SMEs so they can learn about and use the most of funding opportunities via VIDA project.


VIDA consortium is composed of ten partners located in the Netherlands (experts in water sector), Denmark (expert in cleantech sector), Germany (experts in food processing sector and plasma technology), Czech Republic (expert in nanotechnology), Italy (expert in energy and cleantech sectors), Spain (experts in efficient use of water and food production sectors) and Portugal (expert in public-private innovation ecosystem and internalisation of SMEs).

The partners (and sectors) represented by the consortium have been carefully selected to ensure a complementary balance of geographies, knowledge, experience and expertise of different sectors relating to resource efficiency, but also maximise the potential for cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary exchanges.


VIDA International Brokerage Event at Smagua2019, Zaragoza, Spain (February 5th, 2019)

The open call for VIDA Voucher Scheme was initiated at the beginning of February and officially presented at the first VIDA International Brokerage Event held on February 5th in Zaragoza, Spain (at Smagua2019).

The total amount of EUR 3.275.000 is an allocated budget so to provide three types of the specialist innovation vouchers, such as: Innovation Support Vouchers (total budget of € 125.000), Validation Vouchers (total budget of € 250.000) and Demonstration Vouchers (total budget of € 3.000.000).

For more information, please consult VIDA Terms of Conditions.

With a total of 126 unique participants, 76 for the webinar series and 50 for the brokerage event, the VIDA Project had a successful start. Now that the first series has been completed, technology developers can apply for the vouchers.

Are you an innovative SME, addressing food-related challenges like water efficiency in the meat processing industry, decontamination and water recycling in sustainable farming, nutrients valorisation and dewatering in soy/milk processes, and/ or related?

Then don't wait too long and apply to this unique funding opportunity!



VIDA Webinars are the interactive virtual events and our main tool for SMEs/clusters’ networking and matchmaking, informing and consultation regards VIDA Voucher Scheme.

So far, we have concluded successfully five of ten planned events that may be found on VIDA youtube channel. The presentation of each webinar, introduced VIDA challenges and the pitch presentations from participating SMEs, including other relevant information you may find below by clicking on the images.

The main support to SMEs and their clusters and support networks will be given through VIDA Voucher Scheme. The participatory and networking events will be tailored to the needs of SMEs so they can learn about and use the most of funding opportunities via VIDA project.

Webinar: Application support to all vouchers: CLOU5 (FEB 26)

Webinar: Demonstration Vouchers. Aquaculture. (FEB 19)

Webinar: Demonstration Vouchers. Meat Processing Industry. (JAN 22)

Webinar: Demonstration Vouchers. Wineries and Breweries. (JAN 15)

Webinar: Innovation Support and Validation Vouchers (DEC 12)


The new series of five VIDA Webinars is expected to be conducted from July 2019.



VIDA International Brokerage Event at Smagua2019, Zaragoza, Spain (February 5th, 2019)

VIDA International Brokerage Event was focused on matchmaking and networking among SME’s interested in VIDA innovation vouchers. The VIDA brokerage event consisted of various informative presentations related to the agrifood sector challenges aiming for resource efficiency; including presentations of challenge owners and solution providers identified by VIDA clusters; as well as the presentation of VIDA Voucher system and support. Full programme may be consulted here.

To learn more about VIDA and its innovation advancements look for the next VIDA newsletter!

Thank you,
VIDA team

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VIDA newsletter was published and distributed by SPI. VIDA project is coordinated by CEW.

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under grant agreement nº 777795. This document reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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