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ICT consultancy for the advanced data exploitation using artificial intelligence (IA) techniques

Olive fields in El Forado (Zaragoza, Spain)


ICT consultancy for the advanced data exploitation using artificial intelligence (IA) techniques


1 January 2020 / 30 September 2020

VIDA Challenges

Alternative food production


This joint action aims to carry out an ICT consultancy to an agricultural company for the advanced data exploitation using artificial intelligence (IA) techniques. As a result of this join action, SME Agrícola El Forado S.L. will have a cloud platform that will house customized AI algorithms for an advanced exploitation of the information coming from its own monitoring network. Benefits: The first is to provide the company with a predictive instrument of water availability to manage exploitation more efficiently and sustainably. Also provide an Expert System to address complex issues as water quality.


  • Improvement in the efficiency of water and energy management, and therefore of the resilience of exploitation to cope with the future of water scarcity
  • Improves sustainability. This tool allows to adapt the demand to the available resource in order to prevent the deterioration of the exploited aquifers and naturals systems associated.

Predictive instrument of water availability to manage exploitation


Agricola el Forado


Social Media/Hashtags

#ArtificialIntelligence, #WaterScarcity, #WaterAvailability, #Groundwater, #WaterQuality

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