Feasibility study for implementing nanofibrous sensors into packages to increase resource efficiency in the food sector


Feasibility study for implementing nanofibrous sensors into packages to increase resource efficiency in the food sector


3 December 2019 / 3 June 2020

VIDA Challenges

Resource-efficient food processing


EraPack would like to provide higher added-value solution to its customers by adding nanofibrous sensors to the offer, thus, open new potential markets. The main objective of this feasibility study is to develop functionalized nanofibers which can be used as sensor for food packaging for freshness indicators like the release of gases (amines or ethylene) from metabolism of microorganisms. The outcome of this feasibility study will be the introduction of sensitive chemical compounds into a stable polymer which can act as sensor and it fulfils all the food-packaging regulations. The development of this type of sensors can improve the packaging by adding value to the final product. Furthermore, it will have a direct impact in the waste of food because of the more reliable and in-situ control of the packaged food. It would extend the shelf life of the product and decrease the food-waste and obtain a more rational use of the available resources.


ERA-PACK s.r.o.