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Extraordinary call for the Innovation Support Voucher Booster: APPLY NOW

The VIDA project aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions (preferably key enabling technologies – KET) in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different types of funding vouchers to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking new resource-efficient solutions.

VIDA is entering its final year and as we now make up the balance of the completed and ongoing projects, it is seen that not all of the available European Union’s INNOSUP funding has been used. To support as many innovative SMEs as possible, it was agreed with the Consortium and the EU Project Officer, that there will be one final call for the Innovation Support Voucher Booster (ISV Booster).

This voucher aims to support development of new products, processes or technical services (e.g. KET) in the food/energy/water nexus which – with their functions, parameters or characteristics – exceed the existing products, processes or technical services for the prospective users, and are based on the international state-of-the-art of science and technology.

ISV Booster applications must represent a joint action between one beneficiary SME from the food, water, energy or KET-sector and a knowledge provider. Knowledge providers can be companies, research institutes, universities, consultants, among other, related to the scope of the Innovation Support Voucher Booster. Knowledge providers must be able to demonstrate capabilities and expertise of carrying out the service and related experiences.

The ISV Booster provides financial support to SME to get access to external knowledge and expertise towards a resource-efficient food production, up to € 5.000.

The applicants can submit maximum two proposals for voucher-funding.

The Innovation Support Voucher Booster scheme has a single deadline and will be open from June 8th, 2020 until August 10th, 2020 17.00 hrs CET.

For more information, please read carefully the VIDA Terms and Conditions.


Application/submission process

The applicants can download application form and submit their application on the CLOU5 platform in the open group called “Innovation Support Voucher Booster”, available via this link.

By the successful submission of the application form (in pdf file) is considered the upload of the document on the aforementioned link. The uploaded pdf document will be stored on a safe server (compliant to German law), to which only the relevant VIDA Partners will have access.

For any queries and doubts, please contact VIDA team at

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